A single pot cookie or candy bar can contain several times the recommended adult dose of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. Eating one of these edibles can cause overdose effects such as intoxication, altered perception, anxiety, panic, paranoia and heart problems,...
Just like THC, we don’t “overdose” when taking too much CBD, but it can still have negative impacts on our bodies and their functioning when we take too much. So yes, excessive CBD can cause diarrhea — all the more reason to explore a variety of doses and find the proper dose ...
It’s also worth noting that states that have legalized marijuana for either medicinal or recreational use have found a decrease in both filled opioid prescriptions and opioid-related overdoses and deaths compared to states that have not legalized marijuana. That’s not to say you should go out...
Spacecakes are deceptive. A joint delivers weed to the body fast, whereupon you feel stoned and generally stop smoking (a restraint mechanism absent in tobacco and alcohol). But edible cannabis can take hours to have an effect, so users often accidentally overdose. Amsterdam’s health services,...
There are several varieties of CBD to try if you’re interested in using the compound to help you relax. These forms include pills, gummies, tinctures, balms, salves, vaping devices, edibles, drinks, and more. Each variety has advantages and disadvantages, but your choice will depend largel...