118 How you can help save the monarch butterfly and the planet Mary Ellen Hanni 11:57 119 What it's really like to have autism Ethan Lisi~1 09:53 120 The intangible effects of walls Alexandra Auer~1 11:49 122 How understanding divorce can help your marriage Jeannie Suk Gersen~1 ...
make science enjoyable, to explain in a language that everyone can understand, to instill more people into science, to ensure that people sit in their places not only to follow developments, but to contribute to science, and to bring scientific developments from the most accurate sources to ...
believe it or not," he said. "But there are a set of genes that if you only have one copy, or three copies, anything away from the typical two, it causes developmental problems. And that's what we've seen in autism."
all the various disorders humankind puts up with start making more sense. We are shown how multitudes of factors play their part and how these make it so difficult for medical professionals to determine a specific cause for an illness. Because most likely, there isn't a specific cause, but ...
‘middle child’ between the children and elderly and are the link that completes the circle of this corruptive guardianship system.They have the right to be with those who care for and love them. They have the right to enjoy life instead of being drugged just to make it easier for their...
“It fights the stigma associated with being deaf and having a speech impediment. If the gloves look cool, every kid will want to know why you have them on,” Roy explained.Incredibly, the Sign-IO gloves can translate signs into more than 40 languages in real time. Users can alter the ...
For larger audiences where visibility may be an issue, you could use relay screens with video streaming to ensure everyone can see the stage. You can read the takeaways from that session here. What is often overlooked when it comes to inclusion and events? One thing that is often overlook...
it’s probably not technically called art therapy. But hey, if it’s therapeutic for you to draw or paint a few times a week (without an art therapist), then I would consider that therapy. Sure, it’s not “professional” therapy, but who says art therapy always has to be professional...
Rachel won a Graeme Clark Scholarship in February 2007 as shownhere, which is funded by Cochlear Americas. It is not known how much the scholarship covers her college tuition. While Rachel did disclose that she won this scholarship, she did not make it explicit to the readers that this schol...
Neuropsychopharmacology What experimental characteristics and approaches (see Figure 1), then, make vinegar flies a versatile model organism to study? Drosophila is easy and inexpensive to maintain in the laboratory; it can give rise to a large number of genetically identical progeny; and it has a...