A grenade launcher, which can be fastened to a firearmWEISSER, ALFRED, OBERNDORF
aThe SAMSON NL RWS combines an ear-splitting sound blaster acoustic device effective up to about 1,000 yards, a multi-bar-relied grenade launcher that can fire up to 800 yards, a dazzler floodlight, and two other kinds of launchers. SAMSON NL RWS结合一套震耳欲聋的酣然的爆裂药声设备有效由...
aMexico maintains some of the tightest gun-control laws in the hemisphere, even as drug gangs amass formidable arsenals of AK-47 assault rifles, grenade launchers and other military-grade weapons. While foreigners who are permanent residents in Mexico can get permits to own certain firearms for...
Armour evolves to match the changing threat: in an age where a guerrilla armed with a recoilless grenade launcher can despatch anything from a main battle tank to a truckload of infantry, William Shakespeare's words *Now thrive the armourers* have never been more true. Armour technologies are...
A grenade launcher, which can be fastened to a firearmMOELLER,TILOWEISSER,ALFRED
A grenade launcher, which can be fastened to a firearmWEISSER, ALFRED, OBERNDORF
aBrugger&Thomet (B&T) is a small company which was established in 1991 and produces less-lethal munition for the Swiss police and military, as well as for export. The LL-06 less-lethal grenade launcher is also part of the line and can fire traditional ammunition and 12 of the company\...
Military platoons equipped with XM25 grenade launchers may no longer need to call in air strikes, artillery bombardments, or reinforcements to get them out of hot spots. Instead, they'd use the semiautomatic XM25 to rapidly fire 25-mm grenades that would explode directly over enemies up to ...