Nearly all the people who have episodes of broken heart syndrome have been women, he said, especially postmenopausal women who now lack estrogen. "When you actually inject estrogen down a blood vessel, the blood vessel dilates, gets bigger. So estrogen is a very important mediator of how bloo...
What was not contained in the 8 factors was bioidentical hormone replacement. As you can see from the illustration, testosterone in males reduces more slowly in males (with a delay of 10 years) in comparison to estrogen reduction in menopausal women.Several authorsdescribe that men and women in...
No.Masturbation will not interfere with periods or getting pregnant. You might hear all sorts of crazy stuff about masturbation — that it can cause diseases, stunt your growth, cause mental problems, lead to blindness, or stop a person from having children. But those things aren't true. Wha...
The hormones you inject aren’t the ones that “make you feel crazy.” The hormone that does get pretty high (depending on your response) is estrogen. Personally, all that excess estrogen made me a blissed out, happy go-lucky person. It was likely the least amount of anxiety I’ve eve...
You can poo-poo that comment all you want, but check this out: many vegetables have more estrogen than hormone-therapy-implanted beef: source for table But – have these vegetables changed in estrogen quantity over the last century? Not likely. In the case of soy, we are certainly eating ...
A cardiac stress test is the biggest clue that something is wrong. A stress test is where you walk or run on a treadmill while technicians monitor your heart activity. In some cases, especially for people who can’t exercise, they inject the blood vessels with a dye that dilates the b...