MywifeCatherineandIweredrivingalongwhatsomepeoplecalledmoose(麋鹿)alley.Itwasso 1 thattherewerefewcarsontheroad. 2 ,amoosejumpedoutacrossourpath.Ihadbeen drivingforyearsandwas 3 indriving.Inordertoavoidknocking 4 themoose,Imadea quickturntotheotherlane.IfIhadnotdonethat,themoosemighthavebeenkilled,andm...
With all these plains game come predators, so you’re just about guaranteed to see a killing while you’re on safari. But the Serengeti is not just a great place to visit during the Great Migration: it has so much more to offer all year round – and it’s even better without the cr...
but marshes, wetlands, groves of black oak savanna and maple sugar trees, and fields of wildflowers that come and go with the seasons." Geocaching, the world's largest treasure hunt, is one of the unique visitor experiences at the national...
where multiple trails await. The best time to visit the park is at sunset from late May through October, when hundreds of thousands of Brazilian free-tailed batsleave the caves to hunt.The park offers anamphitheater to watch the flight,but you will have to take mental pictures as cellphones...