who is not your mom. - Y... you have to tell her. -4. I don't know, okay, but you have to. A:It's my dad. Alison:Don't answer. A:Well, I have to! Alison:5. You can't do that to your mom. You have to tell her, Aria,before somebody else does. Then you'll lose ...
Can You Hear Me Now? Impacts of Hearing Loss: Though It's One of the Most Common Workplace Injuries, Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Also Is One of the Most Overlooked. Employees and Employers Who Don't Pay Attention to the Importance of Hearing Protection Potentially Could Lose Much More Than...
沪江英语提供美少女的谎言:S01E04(01)Can You Hear Me Now、故事讲述玫瑰镇(Rosewood Day)镇中学的社交女王Alison失踪一年后,她的四位好友--Spencer,Hanna,Aria和Emily。突然收到一条署名为「A」的神秘短信。「A」威胁说要揭发这四位美少女的秘密--包括她们隐藏.
again, for -- for most of the planetary spacecraft that are out there, it's not that difficult for them to plan months ahead of time. You know, they know when we're going to do this burn in a year and a half. You know, so they can plan when they need that communication...
Davis, ThamaraAnderson, JanetBrown University Child & Adolescent Behavior Letter
Yes, I can always hear you ! TaylorSENet属于多阶段模型的一种,复数频谱重建被解耦为两部分,幅度估计和复数残差估计。 将Taylor级数展开的数学表达式的概念映射到模型网络结构的构造中。 一、简介 TaylorSENet,将复数频谱恢复看作泰勒近似问题。通过将主项和导数项表述为可学习模块,进行Taylor近似建模,0阶模块是...
Bill Foster:And, you know, and there's a lot of other reasons on that, but -- but that's a good example. So -- so we're thinking along the lines of, well, right now, we talk to the crew, and we say, they're having a problem, and someone on the ground, well, this proced...
phrases may include “I need a doctor”, “Please call a police man”, “I have lost my hotel room key”, “My passport has been stolen”, “Stop that person, he stole my wallet” “Can you hear me now” and the like. ... Min H. Kao,Sean V. Kelley,PK Varma - WO 被引量:...
Can You Hear Me Now? Jean Ausgher When the Big Bad Wolf donned grandmothery garb so as to surprise Little Red Riding Hood, he assured her that the big ears were “all the better to hear you with.” Essentially, the Big Bad Wolf was explaining the basic operating principle behind most ...