One other pivotal item that relies on paper to be crafted is fireworks. You may be wondering why are fireworks considered a pivotal item for a Minecraft playthrough, but they have many uses. You can load fireworks into crossbows to fire them for way more damage than a normal arrow will do...
MC-278900all my game settings buttons have no words on them MC-278899Leaving the game while having the pie chart open generates log spam MC-278898When flying with fireworks rockets, pressing the L key to open the progress will continue to play the sound of elytra flight MC-278897Spawner item...
Cupcakes, even if this were half as deadly as you seem to think it is, even if this were for real small pox or the bubonic plague, you only think eternal lockdowns are possible because you can do your job just as well from home, or you have enough resources to stay home without re...