Lettuce is a must-have crop in your winter indoor garden. It’seasy to grow in a container, and the many varieties mean you can mix and match colors and textures. One of my favorite types of lettuce is butterhead due to the soft, buttery leaves that work great for lettuce wraps, sand...
it can be given as lettuce shreds or as a whole head of lettuce. Your pet is not particularly mindful about eating lettuce. However, as pet owners, you must ensure that you feed your pooch with clean and chemical-free lettuce. Likewise, you can also chop the vegetables into bits or give...
crispum) has leaves that look lettuce-like and can be up to 3 to 4 inches long on plants that grow up to 2’ tall. This annual can be started from seed indoors (under grow lights) in late winter and transplanted to the garden or a container outdoors, once the fear of frost is ...
Another veggie to grow indoors is lettuce. You can grow different lettuce varieties such as romaine lettuce, iceberg lettuce, or leaf lettuce indoors to enjoy your salads fresh. Whichever variety of lettuce you decide to grow, just know that there aremultiple ways to grow themindoors. Now you ...
You won’t believe your eyes when you fish out some garbage from the bin and grow it into fresh food on your windowsill or garden! Dawn at TheHappyHousewife shares tips for growing herbs, spring onions, garlic, celery, lettuce and sprouts. You’ll need good soil, fresh water and some...