You can use it to promote yourself or your existing products and services; follow Ronn Torossian knowledge, but you should also give a link to your brand’s website. The number of subscribers you get will help you rank better in search results at the top of Google, which will bring more...
We should all pray to never see the world shuddered by an EMP. There are no winners in that game. However, as a prepper you should be prepared to act, even in this situation. As you can see, there are a number of things that can turn your EMP response into a nightmare. Start wit...
I tried to grow a beard, but it itched. I've put on some weight though. Changed my hair. Though really, it's not like I decided on a new look, I just started getting it buzzed down at Supercuts or wherever instead of having it a length you could comb. Marissa used to comb my...