You may be surprised to learn thatyou don't have to give birth to nurse a baby — you can breastfeed an adopted baby. But only half of all adopting mothers who attempt to breastfeed will make any milk at all and few will produce enough to fully satisfy their babies. ...
The monkeys with the babies clinging to them give the camera the same look we would give anyone who's wronged our child. We wouldn't want to be at the receiving end of such a look, but we would apply it to protect our kids. Nothing to See Here, Move Along We will do anything...
In the back of the school there was a vegetable garden for the kids, Orange trees, Avocado trees, donkeys (Cano and Chiquito), rabbits, and goats. The school even had a coffee shop where the teachers could relax during break. (Though the constant rain destroyed some of the electrical in...
watching and listening to. If you need a place for reference material, check back regularly. If you need information to fight arguments, check back regularly. I don’t read or watch everything, of course, but this is what I do ingest and it’s comprehensive. ...
Now, I don’t recommend giving your goats bananas or marshmallows regularly. But for dispensing copper boluses, they sure do make it easy! 2. Easy Kid Sweater With weather being so erratic these days, even when you plan goat babies for mid-spring as I do, cold days happen. Sadly I am...
Just to give you the start point … I was more than likely in the obese stage of carrying weight but i wasn’t wrapped up in it … I was none the better for it if i had to run up a stairs and I’d been struggling with emotional eating over five years . I haven’t got a bef...
These babies will be much friendlier with you, which will serve you well if you intend to work closely with them—like milking or shearing them. If you have dairy goats, bottle feeding is beneficial because it allows you to collect more of the milk from the dam. ...
As long as they're getting fed, the kittens don't seem to mind where the milk comes from. This new dog mom, however, appears to be quite confused by her pups' new look. Combined with the exhaustion of taking care of her own babies and the k...
At the same time, one of Maybel's new little ones, named Scout, is trying to get some milk from the wrong place. All goats have a good bit of hair on their chinny chin chins, and Scout is a little confused. Still, if you want another reason to feel like...