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If you had a young child who was very sick with chicken pox, with pox marks all over the skin of his body, would you take that child to the doctor and ask the doctor to cut out all the pox marks in the child’s skin – or burn them out – or poison them out - so the child...
It is a better return on effort to make more friends, build on your community and learn skills that are in demand during bad times. If you then get your whole community to have food storage like mormons, run a volonter fire brigade, build a spare water suppy and irrigation scheme, ...
Kelly had played a key role in debriefing Pasechnik when he fled to Britain in 1989, bringing with him details of Russian plans to use cruise missiles to spread smallpox and plague, the Black Death of medieval times, which killed a third of Europe’s population. Before the plans could be ...
Multiple studies have also noted the fact that different sources of beta-glucans have differing potencies – so be sure that if you opt for a beta-glucan supplement, you get one that you know is from a pure source and that the product does not contain fillers. ...