Like any frosted foodstuff, mashed potatoes have a certain lifespan that will one day run out. But how long can you freeze mashed potatoes safely like that? Well, the longest term will be around ten months if you used a proper sort oflow-starch potatoand the dish contains enough dairy fa...
The COVID-19 pandemic drastically changed how Americans ate in 2020. People started spending significantlyless money eating outthan before due to stay-at-home orders. They also coped withfood shortages at the grocery store, and began churning outloaf after loaf of homemade breadwhile stuck at h...
Pancakes are a great treat and very filling. Whether you make them from scratch or from a mix, pancakes are always a hit. Add any fruit you have around the house, fresh, frozen or canned. 3Hashbrowns Hashbrowns or homefries are delicious, easy to make and extremely accommodating to anyth...
Freeze-dried fruit Home-made muffins Mango Slices with Lime Yogurt Popsicles Olives Frozen Fruit Sticks Crunchy Chickpeas Trail Mix Tomatoes and Cheese Sweet Potato Fries Celery and Nut Butter Veggie-Based Chips Oatmeal Cheese and Crackers Popcorn Smoothie Cottage Cheese Turkey Roll Up Fruit and Nut...
They often contain trans fats, artificial flavors, and way more sugar than you’d ever use if you were baking at home. Fast food: From burgers and fries to fried chicken and pizza, fast food is often made using ultra-processed ingredients. It’s designed to be tasty and convenient but ...
There's nothing better than a homemade jar of pickles and you'll be surprised at just how easy they are to make. *** Pickles are a classic summertime treat, and it's easier than ever to make your own. Refrigerator pickles are a great way touse up cucumbersfrom your garden and enjo...
If you were a kid in the 70's & 80's, being left home alone without parental supervision wasn't a big deal. Most of my friends had working-class families who put in long hours at their jobs. Still, I was surprised when a friend told me that their 10 year old was home alone at...
If you're fortunate to be someone who isn't dealing with food insecurity, we have a way you can help those who are. We've teamed up with our friends at Henderson Chevrolet, GMC once again for the annual Helping the Hungry Can Food Drive at Sureway Foods....
I can almost imagine the warmth of the sunny spring day we picked and prepared the strawberries and rhubarb. If there is anything to console someone with the winter blues it’s a fresh homemade pie. The smell of the kitchen brightens even the dullest spirit. ...
Sweet-Tart Homemade Lemonade (made entirely by the kids) 21Aug My son and niece (8 and 11 respectively) had made some sugar syrup* for me last week – they are pretty good with the stove these days and eager to see how things are done. ...