Find out from WebMD's slideshow how dehydration, low blood pressure, arrhythmia, and other problems can make you feel woozy and even faint.
“Hello, I have just registered to come to Omega to attend the Shadow Process with Debbie Ford. Could you please help me with how to find transportation there from JFK?”. “Sure, that is no problem whatsoever Miss, from the airport you take the bus to Penn Station, and there you take...
“Well Mum, you said it was almost impossible to get you anything. What do you get the woman who’s got everything?” “Yes, I did say something like that didn’t I?” “Yes, you did. And then I remembered you saying something a while back along the lines of you’d like to ho...
Well lads, the penalty award I said you would receive is along the lines that your dads would have given you. And if you had gone to school at the same time as I did, your PE teacher and possibly headmaster would have given you if you had played truant from your lessons. What you ...
It’s gonna be tight making our connecting flight from Chicago to LaGuardia. While we have no choice, we have faith that all will work out as it should. All in all our flight out of San Diego ends up only being delayed 2 hours. That still gives us plenty of time to make our conne...
Your body needs water and other fluids to function. When you lose more fluid than you take in, you getdehydrated. Mild or moderate dehydration is manageable by drinking more fluids, but severe dehydration needs medical attention. The problem is that your body doesn’t always let you kno...
You may feel dizzy or faint If you've gotten tothispoint of dehydration, it's time to see a doctor. Dizziness or fainting is a sign that you're dangerously dehydrated.Here are some other signs to look out for, and some tips for how to hydrate fast!
15. Nexcare pimple patches that are not for the faint of heart — you'll agree when you see how successfully they pull all the goo from your zits. *Shivers* Katy Herman/BuzzFeed "These pics were taken after leaving the patch on overnight, which is how I find them to be most effec...