Some people eat it by converting it into a pickle or they even eat it raw. The flowers are also eaten stuffed, very much like squash blossoms. Chinese people use the petals of the Hibiscus flower in cakes, while Indians boil the flower petals and then mix sugar to convert it into a co...
Even if you’re not much of a cook, adding some flowers you can eat to your salad or cheese plate adds a little something special to the humblest of dishes, and it’s an easy way to dip your toes in the exciting waters of foraging. Or if you loveherbal teas, many edible flowers m...
Can you eat briars? Where the vine snaps and breaks is the part you can take and eat. Well-watered bull briers (Smilax bona-nox, SMEYE-laks BON-uh-knocks, that's SM plus EYE) in a field or on a sunny tree can produceedible shoots a foot long and third of an inch through. What...
Spider plant, Aloe Vera and mother-in-law can absorb indoor pollutants such as formaldehyde, elimination and prevention of indoor air pollution; flowers such as jasmine, lilac, honeysuckle flower, Petunia flowers secreted alexin is able to kill certain bacteria in the air, inhibit pathogens tubercu...
Can Rabbits Eat…? Here is a complete list of what rabbits can and cannot eat. If you are ever in doubt, it is best to listen to the advice of your veterinarian. It is also important to remember that even safe fruits, vegetables, and other foods should only be given to rabbits as ...
If you’re stuck for space, try planting some on your balcony, in window boxes or hanging baskets – the bees will thank you for it! Ideal plants include Hawthorn, Portuguese Laurel, Winter Honeysuckle, Lilac, Rosemary, Lavender, Fuchsia and Hydrangea with this article providing afull listing...
You can eat Jerusalem artichokes both cooked and raw. They are often sauteed, mashed, or even roasted to be eaten alone or as part of a casserole dish. If you clean and dry the sunchoke tubers that can be ground and used as a flour. Eating freshly harvested sunchokes does not typically...
There are ten kinds of flowers suitable for drinking, such as red roses, white chrysanthemums, peony flowers, honeysuckle flowers and so on. The price is between 100-300 yuan per kilogram. At present, there are few people who drink fresh tea, but it will definitely lead the new fashion of...
Mother’s leather-bound photo albums: “Jessica in the snow.”“Jessica nibbling a honeysuckle vine.”“Jessica on Easter morning.” One morning Daddy found her in the pasture, brutally ripped apart by wild dogs. Luckily barbed wire reinforces the new goat fence and will prohibit coyote entry...