Yes, spicy foods are safe for you and your baby when you're pregnant. They certainly don't make the long list of foods you should avoid when you're expecting. Plenty of people (wrongly) believe that eating spicy food is dangerous, whether or not you're pregnant. It's not true! Spic...
Besides the puking and pontoon feet, there’s the little matter of not being able to doanything fun at allwhen you’re pregnant, and that includes one of my favorite things to do ever; eat. There’s a mile long list of stuff that’s off-limits while you’re knocked up, and I pret...
Women who eat very spicy foods while pregnant and breast-feeding can pass along an appreciation for hot dishes to very young children. That's why many small kids in places like India, Mexico and Thailand can stomach foods much spicier than many grown adults elsewhere. Under and Overfed Credit...
Yes,it's safe to eat honey during pregnancy. While it's not safe to give honey to babies under a year old, eating honey when you're pregnant won't harm you or your unborn child. That's because your grown-up stomach can handle the bacteria in honey that sometimes makes babies sick w...
Ginger. This root has nausea relieving properties for anyone, including pregnant people. It doesn't seem to curb vomiting once it starts, but it can reduce nausea, preventing vomiting from happening. You can take ginger supplements or just eat foods containing ginger. You can also drink ginger...
Maybe you’ve always wondered, can eggplant be a treat for your dog? Again, eggplant should only be served to dogs as an occasional treat. Can a Pregnant Dog Eat Eggplant? Pregnant dogs and their unborn litter can benefit from many of the nutritional elements in eggplant. Most notably folat...
What is the best fruit for pregnant woman? 7 nutritious fruits you should eat during pregnancy Oranges. Oranges help you stay hydrated. ... Mangoes. Mangoes are another great source of vitamin C. ... Avocados. Avocados have more folate than other fruits. ... ...
When you eat certain types of fish (such as salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines, or sablefish), you'll also boost your intake of omega-3 fatty acids. While some people take a supplement to get the recommended daily allowance, most health experts recommend getting your intake from food if ...
OR a psychologist. I don’t know what kind of vibe I gave off but apparently she said I was not ready for this baby psychologically. I really don’t want to see a shrink right now but this falls into my next point; when pregnant, you have to be selfless. If you are not, learn...
In particular, mothers-to-be are reminded that when they eat too much food, obesity during pregnancy can cause many problems and increase the risk of pregnancy complications. The fetus is also affected, and many children are obese to a large extent because their mothers are obese during pregnan...