If I don't cut people's salaries, the company is going to go bankrupt. It's unfortunate, but you can't make an omelet withoutbreaking eggs. 假如我不减薪,公司就会倒闭。虽然这很不幸,但有失才有得。 6.You can't have your cake and eat it. 鱼与熊掌,不可兼得。 你不能在拥有蛋糕的同时...
Consider this: cast your lead generating net as wide as possible. But as quickly as you can, like on the “thank you” page, make it clear that you’re SELLING. You’ll totally scare away the folks who are only looking for a free lunch. As long as you provide value WHILE you sell...
Some people overeat instead of stopping when they feel comfortably satiated. Not eating breakfast can also lead to overindulging later in the day if excessive hunger makes controlling your appetite difficult, Arévalo said.有些人吃饱了还吃,结果就吃多了。阿雷瓦洛表示,不吃早餐也容易造成午饭吃太饱,...
I seldom eat at the all - you - can - eat restaurant. 我很少在吃到饱的餐厅用餐. 互联网 When eating out, realize that all - you - can - eat buffets - unheard of in Paris - may lead to excessive portions. 当出外就餐的时候, 要认识到那些“敞开吃”饭店 —— 在巴黎从未听说过有此类...
1、 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。How can you lead a healthy life? Eating well and playing sports are two 1.(use) ways. An American girl 2.(call) Abby Forrence is trying to teach people how to lead a healthy life.Abby is a national ambassador ...
应由空应由空(5分)阅读短文,根据短文内容或用所给词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。应由空应由空应由空应由空How can you lead a healthy l
When eating out, realize that all - you - can - eat buffets - unheard of in Paris - may lead to excessive portions. 当出外就餐的时候, 要认识到那些“敞开吃”饭店 —— 在巴黎从未听说过有此类饭店 —— 会让你过度进食. 互联网 Like a glutton at an all - you - can - eat buffet, the...
Day 181Let me lead you to Big Ben.(Part one) Austin:Excuseme, but I'mnotfromaroundhere.Can youtellmehowtogettotheBritishMuseum,please? Kayla:I'msorry. I'mfromoutoftownmyself. Austin:Oh. Have youbeentoBig Benyet? Kayla:Yes, wewentthereyesterday. ...
Day 181Let me lead you to Big Ben.(Part one) Austin:Excuseme, but I'mnotfromaroundhere.Can youtellmehowtogettotheBritishMuseum,please? Kayla:I'msorry. I'mfromoutoftownmyself. Austin:Oh. Have youbeentoBig Benyet? Kayla:Yes, wewentthereyesterday. ...
How can you lead(1)___healthy life? Eating well and playing sports are two(2)___(use) ways. An American girl(3)___(call) Abby Forrence is trying to teach people how(4)___ ( lead ) a healthy life. Abby is a national ambassador (大使) from the program Fuel Up to Play 60....