Is it possible to convert an IPA file to APK? How to open an IPA file? An IPA file is technically not meant to be opened. It can be used to test the application it stores or submitted directly to the Apple App Store. You can however open an IPA file if you wish to. Use an unz...
HTML Sanitizer Tool - This tool will take your text and convert all the special characters to their proper HTML codes, so you can paste text with special characters or HTML code onto your website. It has been carefully designed so that the HTML produced by this tool looks and behaves exact...
Convert base64 string to PDF file Convert Byte Array to pdf for android and iOS in Xamarin forms Convert Content view to image convert html to xaml Convert Image Source to Base64 Convert Image to byte[] Convert ImageSource to byte Arrayn ? Convert JSON Array To List <> For ListView C...
cannot convert from 'string' to 'Project.Models.Classname' Cant Resize Image in Button ? CarPlay using Xamarin forms Change background color of frame control based on bind value Change background color of ToolbarItems Change backgroundcolor based on string variable Change Button Text Change color...
If you want to get the selected item in the list view's SelectedItem event, you can obtain it directly:复制 private void SelectedItem(object sender, SelectedItemChangedEventArgs e) { Model selectedItem = e.SelectedItem as Model; }
For windows, You can simply write in StackLayoutRenderervar border = new Border(); border.BorderBrush = layout.BorderColor.ToBrush(); border.BorderThickness = new Thickness(layout.BorderWidth);border.Child = this.Control; this.SetNativeControl(border);...
You can open an thread in Rg.Plugins.Popup's github page about this issue. forums are migrating to a new home on Microsoft Q&A! We invite you to post new questions in the Xamarin forums’ new home on Microsoft Q&A! For more ...
I think you need to change your handler, using WinHttpHandler instead. You could refer to the following link for more information:
What I have used is create a small class to group all the Entry's for example:复制 public Class ListEntry{ Entry EntryRef {get;set;} string entryId {get;set;} string Name {get;set;} } So every time you add an Entry to the list you will add your custom class in stead...
@Jackson-C - if this is on Android, you need a custom Entry renderer, that does复制 var nativeEntryEditText = Control as FormsEditText; nativeEntryEditText.InputType = Android.Text.InputTypes.ClassNumber | Android.Text.InputTypes.NumberFlagSigned | Android.Text.InputTypes.NumberFlagDec...