3,我这边使用调试助手创建个服务器 4,如果接收到数据会显示 5,发送数据 这边使用串口调试助手 程序说明 1,TCP客户端接收到TCP服务器的数据就把数据通过RS485发送出去 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 xRingbufferSend(RingbufHandleTxUart1,data,len,pdMS_TO_TICKS(2));xTaskNotify...
Open-source IoT Gateway - integrates devices connected to legacy and third-party systems with ThingsBoard IoT Platform using Modbus, CAN bus, BACnet, BLE, OPC-UA, MQTT, ODBC and REST protocols mqtt iot aws odbc gateway mqtt-broker can ble can-bus aws-iot opc-ua iot-gateway sigfox bacnet ...
The only way to connect the ESP32 back to MQTT is rebooting it. I´ve checked if the problem comes from the server side where the MQTT broker is, but it is not. When ESP32 is trying to reconnect, I´ve reset the server and the problem persist. I´ve checked SIM800 ...
If you’re fond of smart home appliances and IoT devices, you can take their functionality to the next level by pairing a Home Assistant server with MCUs like theESP32boards,Arduinofamily, andRaspberry Pi Picoseries. But since interfacing them with Home Assistant can get excessively complicated,...
After doing initial research online, I saw that most likely the problem lies in the IP101 clock and synchronization with ESP32. Down below in the attachments, you can see my hardware schematics. I tried various different combinations of the highlighted components (placing and removing them one ...
The ESP32-S3-based OBD scanner WiCAN Pro runs on the versatileWiCAN firmware, which is already available and runs on an ESP32. This firmware can send MQTT messages about the vehicle’s health, integrate withHome Assistant, or drive aRealDash displaywith real-time information. Moreover, this...
https://github.com/plapointe6/EspMQTTClient m5stack/M5Dial m5stack/M5Unified upload_speed = 1500000 monitor_speed = 115200 Plug it into Port B Setup code is like: CAN0.setCANPins(GPIO_NUM_1, GPIO_NUM_2); USBSerial.println("Set CAN pins..."); ...
You’ll find the firmware source code (working with the ESP-IDF) and instructionson Github. Another interesting feature of the WiCAN-OBD model is MQTT battery alerts with the adapter monitoring your battery voltage and sending an alert if that voltage drops under a set threshold. This is espe...
Awesome CAN Bus Awesome Tools, Hardware And Resources For CAN Bus This curated list helps a reverse engineering CAN bus devices with lightly specializing in automotive embedded controller software and communication understanding. NoteItems marked as "🔝" are highly recommended....
Installesptool, if you haven't yet, followthese instructions. Usually, you only need to type: pip install esptool Connect the M5Stack ATOM (ECHO) to a USB port of your PC and erase the flash typing: esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 erase_flash ...