when contemplating going back to school, it is important to find out how this decision might affect unemployment benefits. Some states only allow benefit recipients to participate in certain programs; other states require that while you attend school you continue to search...
Can you get unemployment if fired for refusing to take COVID-19 vaccine? If your employer is requiring the COVID-19 vaccine, you may be wondering if you can get unemployment benefits if you are fired for refusing the shot. DETROIT (FOX 2) - More and more employers are r...
An out-of-work employee is not permitted to sit back and take it easy while collecting unemployment benefits in Texas. The state does not allow an individual to collect state unemployment benefits unless they are actively seeking new employment. They must be both available to work and actively ...
Debra Cassens WeissAba Journal
If you are currently collecting unemployment benefits in the United States, you may be eligible to continue collecting the compensation while out of the country. Specific requirements must be met for this to happen. Each state considers this on a case-by
Whether you intend to quit or you're just having an attendance problem, a no call no show isn't in your best interest. A reason to avoid not showing up to work without notice is that it limits your ability to collect unemployment payments. Depending on w
When we had succeeded in separating wheat from chaff (谷壳), I asked, “Would you want to deal with another little pile of papers”My mother led the way, walking into the dining room the way an animal manager might be while entering a cage with tigers in it. Ross and I came in ...
This program is triggered by arise in the state's jobless rate. The trigger calculation is based on the insured unemployment rate (IUR), which is different from the total unemployment rate. The latter quantifies the number of unemployed workers in a state’s work force, while the insured un...
To be protected while you collect short-term disability benefits, you need to rely on a medical leave law, like the FMLA or a disability discrimination law, like the ADA. Can You Collect Unemployment if You Were Terminated While on Disability? If you are able to go back to your job,...
Can you collect unemployment if you only work 20 hours a week? Work between 10 and 20 hours in a week and earn no more than $504, you will receive 50%of your unemployment benefit. Work between 20 and 30 hours in a week and earn no more than $504, you will receive 25% of your ...