As a small business owner, it’s likely you will be aware of the approaching self-assessment tax deadline. Read this article to learn more about self-assessment and the expenses you can claim on your tax return. Here’s what we cover: ...
including simply letting the bereaved know you’re there for them. Be sure to continue inviting bereaved friends to group lunches and happy hours; even if they don’t feel up to attending every single event. Just the offer itself can help someone get back on track. We can also show we c...
While much progress has been made in recent years regarding empty property rates, unoccupied shops and offices that require refurbishment before being re-let are still subject to prohibitive business rate tax. This situation acts as a huge disincentive for landlords to ensure their premises are broug...
European Journal of PhilosophySchulte, Peter (2014). ‘Can Truthmaker Theorists Claim Ontological Free Lunches?’, European Journal of Philosophy 22: 249–268.Schulte, Peter (2014) Can truthmaker theorists claim ontological free lunches?, European Journal of Philosophy 22, 249-68....
Because guys aren't such great communicators, it was up to the females to always be getting into each other's business, so there'd be NO secrets within the tribe. I guess you could file this article under "a normal human occurrence that Japanese try to claim as uniquely their own" 7 ...
Widows, orphans claim responsibility for Brussels airport bombing Che Guevara's son hopes Cuba's communism will rub off on US, proposes a long list of people the government should execute first Susan Sarandon: "I don't vote with my vagina." Voters in line behind her still suspicious, ...
Asking my employer to allow me to claim train fares instead of driving my car and claiming mileage needed courage but they were so supportive and my boss shares many of my concerns. Also I am saving them money so it’s win win! Telling the young adults in my family that I was ...
the Prodigal Son and the peace mural aren't going to solve the problem," he says. "But it's a step in the healing process. It will bring more pride to the community. Now, all of a sudden, you're inspiring a whole lot more people to stake a claim t...
Catering businesses claim that local produce is not available, so they have to buy it on international markets. Sustainability 2023, 15, 8675 23 of 35 We were curious about whether these discussions and claims were really true. We started looking at statistics but could not make any sense of...