and you are puffed up and you at one raise and you be there in j and you can help me m and you cant because and you close your ey and you come across and you could that te and you feel so far a and you found someone and you just need to and you konw what its and you ma...
Create patterns- you must create a .md file with the pattern and save it to ~/.config/fabric/patterns/[yourpatternname]. Just use the Patterns If you're not looking to do anything fancy, and you just want a lot of great prompts, you can navigate to the /patterns directory and start...
How do you change a SqlDataAdapter .CommandTimeout? How do you disable history info on a textbox? How do you find which class belongs to which DLL ? How do you move controls around for How do you read an Excel File from a memory stream How do you use the mouse click ev...
Should you ever need to "hide" changes in certain files from git's automated change detection, you can mark those files using git update-index --skip-worktree ..., which will make Git not try to detect any changes in them. When checking out or merging a different branch into the workin...
FROMpython:3.11-bullseyeENVDEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractiveRUNapt update && apt -y install git curl jq &&rm-rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* You canuse Docker to build container images, and alternative options are Kaniko or Podman. On SaaS, you can use the Docker CI/CD template to build...
Can you use PowerShell to change Group Policies? Can you write to an open excel file using powershell? can't catch an error from rename-item Can't get [DateTime]::TryParseExact to work using PowerShell Can't get get-adcomputer to filter on Description... Can't Import AD Module Power...
The armchair was standing with its back to the wall; it was quite a small affair, with a low back and with cushions and a padded back in an awful floral print pattern. Paul stood facing it, not quite sure what should happen next. Was he supposed to face the chair and clutch the cus...
There’s nothing like the excitement of a holiday but the problems kick in when you realize you don’t have enough space in your suitcase for the 11 bikinis or multiple flip flops you want to pack. That’s about to change — with this video you’ll get some great tips on packing your...
Bonus: this works just as well inside containers, since the interactive terminal devices don’t change. *On most Linux distributions, the terminal points to a device file with the pattern /dev/ttyN or /dev/pts/N, where N is the device ID. Reverse shells Reverse shells are an interesting...
The asymmetry of thehair folliclealso causes the keratin to bunch up on one side of the hair strand. This pulls parts of the hair strand closer together into a curl, which maintains the curl as the hair continues to grow. Follicles that are symmetrical, round and perpendicular to the skin ...