How can I get max performance, FPS, and minimize lag on my game and laptop? Whenever I play Roblox, the second the app launches, my laptop's fan gets really really loud, and starts heating up you can keep your hand on the bottom of the laptop without burning yoursel...
If you want to play Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 on your Steam Deck, here's what you need to know about playing this FPS on Valve's console.Sam Comrie Published: 5 days ago Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Steam Deck Can I play Black Ops 6 on Steam Deck? Treyarch’s latest entry in...
The laptop has shutdown itself one time while gaming due Max Temp. And the game wasn't heavy, it was ROBLOX (lightest game) on lowest graphics, can you tell me its just a bad model of CPU and gets hotter and nothing to do about it? Because for a fact i know that Hot...
ptr,while the power cut off,i then started to play a game that uses no internet, cs.1.6 and then the power came back on,i went to play even a low peformance game like roblox,Even there i got like 10 fps 20fps ,then i went to overwatch again...
The above two commands show FPS (frame-rate per second) on the screen but it takes up too much of space. If you want to have an FPS counter on screen, then I would recommend you to go for the in-game FPS Counter in Origin (check out the SECTION 2 below to know how to enable ...