hibernate 查询出来的结果 id 是int类型,xml文件配置的是int, 在jython 中调用hibernate 进行查询。字段的类型是java.lang.Long, 直接将id 传进去,报java.lang.Integer can not be cast to java.lang.Long 异常。将 id 进行强转,(Long)id,传进去,正常了。
你的代码估计是 jsonobject jo = (JSonObject)str;//将字符串强转成jsonobject,此时会上述错误。解决此错误的思路是:将一个字符串转成json对象,并不能使用强转,而应该使用相关的json包,它们提供了字符串和jsonobject、jsonarry等对象转换的api。google一下字符串和json对象互转,即可找到解决方案。
Java 解析 JSON 对象报错:JSONException: can not cast to JSONObject 使用了阿里的 JSON 解析库,在JSON.parseObject(body)解析返回 JSON 字符串时报错:JSONException: can not cast to JSONObject。 不确定问题所在,先是增加jsonObj.containsKey("error_code")来判断是否存在错误码,但这个解析错误是在这个判断之前,...
线上突然报这个错com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONException: can not cast to int,#3639 LeBronnopened this issueFeb 7, 2021· 3 comments Comments Copy link Contributor CertseedscommentedMar 12, 2021 importcom.alibaba.fastjson.JSON;importorg.junit.Test;publicclassIssue3639{privatestaticfinalStringwillUse="{\...
Please can you help me how can meet my requirement . Any one can advise me with simple steps how can I run the application from shared folder in asp.net core. As a beginner like me , Please help me with suggested code with simple steps how to resolve it would be very very helpful...
.cast<String>() ?? <String>[]); } Change launch method to: @override Future<bool> launch( String url, { required bool useSafariVC, required bool useWebView, required bool enableJavaScript, required bool enableDomStorage, required bool universalLinksOnly, required Map<String, String> ...
Int32 and System.String. Please check the data type returned by the filter expression Cannot Connect to Database with Configuration Management Console or SQL Management Studio Cannot connect to Reporting Services Cannot connect to Reporting Services with Managment Studio Cannot create a connection to ...
(In this code, the phrase String s is the type pattern.) The meaning is intuitive. The instanceof operator matches the target obj to the type pattern as follows: If obj is an instance of String, then it is cast to String and the value is assigned to the variable s. Rather than usin...
JSType leftType, Node owner, String propName){// The NoType check is a hack to make typedefs work ok.if(!leftType.isNoType() && !rightType.canAssignTo(leftType)) {if(bothIntrinsics(rightType, leftType)) {// We have a superior warning for this mistake, which gives you// the lin...
<cfloop index="intID" from="1" to="#tot_AllCurrentDraftListing.recordcount#" step="1"> <cfset tot_AllCurrentDraftListing["AnnounceNum"] [intID] = JavaCast("string", intID) /> </cfloop> Is that correct? Thanks. Whoever can help me with this should be awarded extra...