and then stop concentrating on levitate." Or you can do it in any other order, because "at any time". What you can't do is declare a sequence of actions on your turn and then, when you see what someone else is doing, say "Wait, right before she attacks, I wanted to...
Notably, Empowered Evocation only applies when you cast wizard spells, but the chaos bolt spell (XGtE, p. 151) is sorcerer-exclusive. And there are features which explicitly say that the spells that are not normally considered part of your class now are, such as the A...
2 sheets if printed on both sides. (Note that I will be referring to the set of all 4 pages in the singular, as the “character sheet”.) Page one has all of your character’s basic information and all you need for combat other than your spells. Page two is just for equipment...
Its costs are concentration + (all the other spells you could have cast with that slot) + (all the other spells you could have learned instead of it) + (all the other things you could have done had you been anything other than a Bard/Cleric/Druid/Sorcerer/Wizard). But...
You lose concentration on a spell if you cast another spell that requires concentration. You can’t concentrate on two spells at once. ... Being Incapacitated or killed. You lose concentration on a spell if you are Incapacitated or if you die. The GM might also decide that certain ...
I don't have a rule citation for exactly what happens if you try to cast a spell on a creature that's immune to spells of that school in general. I'm assuming it fizzles, so its duration doesn't start and you aren't concentrating on it. Cast something that should be visible with...
I take a 1 hour break after 12 hours of spellcasting while I attune to apearl of power. Both the simulacrum and I castconjure minor elementalswith Extended Spell Metamagic and use Flexible Casting twice to create more Sorcery Points (using spells slots of 3rd-level or lower p...