Is 'put' a verb? Can you end a sentence with a verb? Can you start a sentence with 'her'? Is 'Go.' a complete sentence? When to use 'and' at the beginning of a sentence What is the present tense of begin? Can you start a sentence with 'when'?
Starting a sentence with “or” creates a momentary pause that naturally comes with a little bit of emphasis (and even a sense of dramatic flair). As a result, starting with a coordinating conjunction can grab your audience’s attention. The trick is adding a comma when you use ...
Nonetheless doesn't belong at the beginning or end of a sentence. An example would be: “In a statement, the Bin Laden family said they were “devastated by this great loss, but nonetheless accept it was God's will to lose them.” This is from How do you use nonethele...
meaning they attach a subordinate clause to a main clause. Grammatically, it is considered perfectly acceptable to begin a sentence with a subordinate clause. In fact, you will see this extremely often in formal writing and even the strictest grammarian...
Can You Begin a Sentence with “So” Well, of course, youcanbegin a sentence with “so,” and people do so all the time, but . . . should you? The answer is “maybe.” If you are talking with your friends or family and have no fear of being judged, go for it. Everyone will...
Generations of children were taught they should ‘never’ begin a sentence with a conjunction. Some still are. (Entry for and) If you’ve ever been angry at a teacher who kept your whole class in from recess because two or three of your classmates were misbehaving, you should have a big...
Socan you start a sentence withthe wordor? The simple answer is yes.Oris a conjunction that can be used to begin a sentence. However, in certain situations, it’s best not to start a sentence withor. In this article, we’ll show you how and when to use it at the beginning of a...
1分钟能力强化组合练(一)一、阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。A语篇类型:说明文 主题语境:人与自我 词数:283 难度:★★★(2022· 江苏省淮海中学高二开学考试)How doeskeepingthingstidychangepeoplepsychologically? Yougaingreaterconfidenceinyourself.Also,youbecomemoreoptim...
Each sentence contains two words, which sounds familiar. Listen and choose the word that you hear. Mary, have you got the meal yet? We are all waiting absolutely for the boss to come. Speaking of past time are enjoy working in the garden. He has held for a 3 month period on a ...
You've probably heard never to start a sentence with 'and,' but Merriam-Webster isn't a huge fan of that rule, and neither is history.