Can I Pry My Life Insurance Away from My Spouse?doi:urn:uuid:07ee11ab9ebb9410VgnVCM200000d6c1a8c0RCRDWhen one spouse controls the other's life insurance, it may be time to stage a coup.Jack HungelmannFox Business
If both people continue residing at the same address, maintaining the same car insurance policy may be the easiest option, as well as the option that is the most cost-efficient. Once you and your spouse are no longer living together, you will want to remove your spouse from your car insur...
Each spouse needs to enroll in their own Medicare plan. While you and your spouse cannot be on the same plan, you can choose similar or different Medicare plans based on each person’s health needs and preferences. Should my spouse and I purchase the same Medicare plan? Whether or not ...
How much term life insurance you can buy depends on your choice of provider. Most life insurance companies provide term life coverage that is 25 times the policyholder's annual income. So, if you are between 35 and 40 years old and earn $40,000, you could buy $1 million in term life...
Receiving an inheritance can be exciting, but there are tax implications when you inherit money or property. Whether your inheritance is taxed depends on the amount you're inheriting and the state you live in. If you recently received an inheritance, her
Generally, the residence where you receive mail, the address listed on your tax returns and printed on your drivers’ licenses will identify which residence is your main home. In addition, each home’s proximity to your employer and your spouse’s employer, the place...
handle a life insurance plan, either by naming your spouse the beneficiary or specifying someone else to receive a part of the payout. Also, prenups can be used to require that your partner get a life insurance policy in order to ensure you're taken care of in the event of their death...
You can roll over your IRA, 401(k), 403(b), or lump sum pension payment into an annuity tax-free.
A designated beneficiary is named on a life insurance policy, annuity, or financial account as the recipient of those assets in the event of the account holder's death. A designated beneficiary is a living person. Non-person entities are not considered to be designated beneficiaries, even if ...
Did you attain your goals or miss the mark? While the days leading up to New Year's Eve are often spent reflecting on the year gone by, the following days should be spent reflecting on the New Year, reviewing your financial scorecard for the past year, and then looking for ways to imp...