Yes, “mau” in the sentence you gave doesn’t literally mean “want.”The correct interpretation...
me·ngan·dungi v memuat; berisikan: kamus ini ~ kata-kata sulit yg banyak terdapat di dl bahasa IndonesiaAs you told me, maybe this word is not often used in daily life. Anyway, thanks a lot for your information! 😁 查看翻译 1 like ...
Lagi ini above sentence means sedang, as you can find in the sentence: I am reading=Aku sedang...
Every time I’ve returned from long periods abroad in countries where I didn’t speak the language well, one thing that really hit me is how tedious it is to hear everyday conversations in a language you understand well. Hearing people discuss how long it takes to get to the next bus s...
English is the primary mode of communication for most of Singapore, but each major race group has their own mother tongue (Chinese, Bahasa Melayu, Tamil) that they speak within their own ethnic group. You'll do fine speaking English most of the time. Singapore language 发表 Rachie Chia 在新...