Why can't whales survive on land? Whales cannot survive on land-- their bodies did not evolve to. ... Furthermore, whales carry around a lot of blubber. This helps them keep warm in the water, where temperatures get a lot colder, but if they end up on land, they overheat and dry ...
How long can a whale live out of water? Overall, I believe the range isabout 5 minutes to 1.5 hours, depending on which species of whale it is. Whales cannot survive on land -- their bodies did not evolve to. Can a dolphin drown? It is actuallyrare for a marine mammal to "drown,...
Current state: Endangered: it is estimated that there are about 50007500 humpback whales worldwide 1. According to Quick Facts a humpback whale ___.A. cannot survive in waters near the shoreB. d oesn't live in the same waters all the timeC. lives mainly on underwater plantsD. prefers...
Could a modern-day human survive and thrive on Earth 65 million years ago?Several years ago, consumption of large quantities of water to stay "hydrated" became something of a trend. The concern for staying fit (and thin!) through strenuous...
in the inlet,” he said. “She’s pretty healthy considering she hasn’t eaten a lot during that time. She’s behaving like a killer whale. She’s calling. She’s broadcasting that she’s around and that’s really what it’s going to take for her to connect with other w...
Current state:Endangered: it is estimated that there are about 50007500 humpback whales worldwide 1. According to Quick Facts, a humpback whale ___. A. cannot survive in waters near the shore B. doesn't live in the same waters all the time C....
Humpback whales live in large groups.They communicate with each other through complex “songs”. (1) According to Quick Facts, a humpback whale ___. [ ] A. cannot survive in waters near the shore B. doesn’t live in the same waters all the time C. lives...
Can hippos breathe underwater? What adaptations do elephants have to survive? What are elephant feet called? Can Komodo dragons jump? What is the name of a female elephant? What do elephants do? A mole of elephants would weigh how much more than the moon?
In addition, there was a risk caused by predators(捕食性动物) attracted to the beach which endangered both rescue teams and any other surviving whales.As a result, the whales that managed to survive for a while onshore had their dreams of returning to the ocean cut short. The decision was...
Current state: endangered; it is estimated that there are about 5000~7000humpback whales worldwide.69.According to Quick Facts,a humpback whale___.A.cannot survive in waters near the shore B.doesn’t live in the same waters all the timeC.lives mainly on underwater plants D.prefers to wo...