根据原文第二段:Some gardeners like to use cocoa shell mulch in their gardens but,just like chocolate ,cocoa shell mulch contains theobromine which is poisonousto dogs,.This means that cocoa shell mulch can be potentially deadly if consumed in large quantities .一些园丁喜欢在花园里使用可可壳覆盖...
(呕吐),seizures and even death in dogs. If you do use compost in your garden,make sure it is securely fenced off so that your pet cannot access it. Weed killer The chemicals contained in weed killers can be irritants to animals and,in some cases,even poisonous.Some weed killers contain...
You may find that algae-eating fish should only be used in an aquarium to keep the algae growth under control as they are not a great solution for aquariums that already have a bad algae outbreak. Most fish will not eat varieties such as staghorn, blue-green, blanket weed, brown, or gr...
Tropical Species of Milkweed Can Harm, Rather Than Help, Monarch ButterfliesQuestion: Recently I saw a news article about a milkweed speciesthat is bad for monarch...Warren, Peter
“Next time you cooked any dry beans or peas, soak them 3 times first. Cook in the 4 th, clean water with handful of green weed leaves: dandelion, chickweed, lambs quarters.”“All legume seeds should be first soaked in water, 8 hours that water poured off, and 2 more, 8 hour ...
Sadly, reports come out each year of dogs dying after exposure to cyanotoxins through swimming in or ingesting contaminated water. Toxins can also become airborne, exposing both humans and animals to contaminated air droplets. This airborne exposure can lead to irritation of the eyes, nose, ...
. The concern trolls in question were not Internet participants; they were Republicans offering public advice and warnings to the Democrats. The author defines “concern trolling” as “offering a poisoned apple in the form of advice to political opponents that, if taken, would harm the recipi...
Prolonged exposure to environmentally relevant concentrations of the weedkiller Roundup causes significant harm to keystonespeciesaccording to new research at theUniversity of Birmingham. A team in the University’s School of Biosciences used waterfleas, or Daphnia, to test the effects of prolo...
Consumption of mycotoxins can cause panting, vomiting (呕吐), seizures and even death in dogs.(在堆肥过程中,随着有机物的分解,释放霉菌素,这对野生动物是有毒的。食用霉菌素可引起狗气喘、痉挛甚至死亡)及Fertiliser部分中的Some fertilisers can also cause more serious symptoms, such as vomiting, muscle...
Being an overprotective parent does more harm than good. Stop having the "everyone gets a participation trophy" attitude because the real world does not function like that at all! I get it, you want your kids to be your friends, but telling them no sometimes is a great thing. Maybe you...