just like we have. While we are finding ways to cope with the pandemic stress, pets have anxiety, too. Now that the vaccine is widely available and people and places are going back to normal, prepare for your pet to experience separation anxiety as you return to work or other activities....
All was calm that day, no murders to investigate, so we moved on to help out on our own “investigation” of the mysteries of Twin Peaks.Taggedthe Real Twin Peaks,Twin Peaks Archives,Twin Peaks Sheriff’s Department / Weyerhauser Corporate OfficeEdit TWIN PEAKS – Train Boxcar Site Where L...
the woman has a promising career. Though I’d never read or watched one of Ruhl’s plays, it’s plain to see that her experience with writing about the human condition, specifically that of the female kind, translated impeccably into the memoir...
Being kind to your mind has a unique quality. It not only makes you feel good on the inside, but it is also good for your physical health. Being kind to your mind has been linked to a lower risk of anxiety and depression, improved sleep habits, and increased focus. The practice of m...
Also in contrast to alcohol, cannabis allows you to preserve your level of consciousness, but it can make you misinterpret sensory input with a sense of either calm or dread, depending on your mindset at the time. This means that if you enter a situationthinkingweed will make you feel shit...
With the enemies that attack rabbits lurking outside, the rabbits have to contend with smells and sounds from the predators, causing them chronic anxiety. Sometimes, the predators can break into the hutches and attack the rabbits. Also, the pets encounter disease-spreading parasites and other ...
There were other obvious rules like don’t be loud, obnoxious, or make any sudden movements; even though these things were painfully obvious you could tell that everyone’s anxiety levels had gone up a notch as we walked from the Freedom House towards the Blue Houses in two single file ...
Realizing that I was probably going to be waiting around a good long while for surgery, and knowing that Mark would eventually have to leave to go home and feed the dog and himself, I finally wised up and asked the nurse for something to help with the anxiety. I can’t remember the ...
And it’s when I’m standing there this morning, in my PJs and a hijab, next to my mum and my dad, kneeling before God, that I feel a strange sense of calm. I feel like nothing can hurt me, and nothing else matters. — Randa Abdel-Fattah 24 I know that there is an eye tha...
As I tried to settle in to enjoy this sweet time as a family, I noticed anxiety beginning to creep into my chest. “What are you doing here?” my insides screamed. “Why, today of all days, must you visit me?!” At first, I tried to push the anxiety down and will it away, bu...