BVH output files are stored to the "out.bvh" file by default. If you want them to be stored in a different path use the -o option. They can be easily viewed using a variety of compatible applicatons. We suggestBlenderwhich is a very powerful open-source 3D editing and animation suite...
TheOmniverse Createapplication has been updated as part of the beta release with animation improvements and better capabilities for large world authoring. Creators can collaborate more seamlessly on large worlds with layer-based live workflows and Viewport icons showing locations of other users...
"I found a way to do motion sketching, or puppeteering, in Blender. I ran the song and scaled a circle up and down to make it look like a mouth. It looked way better than it had any right to." This only took him roughly 2 minutes 30 seconds—"exactly how long the song is," ...
Is anyone able to explain if there is a way to export an animated garment (plus avatar) from CLO into Blender 2.81 in such a way that...