In a decision that undercuts the financial and recruiting powerof government employee unions,...Richey, Warren
The primary factors that affect child support amounts include each parent’s income, the amount of time each parent spends with the child, any tax deductions or credits, health insurance costs, mandatory union dues, retirement contributions, and childcare expenses. Income is a fundamental factor in...
local or federal income taxes paid, as well as mandatory union dues and taxes paid on unemployment, social security, or medicare benefits. Alimony payments to the other parent may also be deducted from gross income. Once these deductions have been taken, the resulting number ...
Business and Professional Income 2002 7 ( 5HY %HIRUH
With recent changes to the tax laws and adjustments to what counts as being deductible or not, you might be wondering if you're able to deduct any of your legal fees. Follow our guide to determine which legal fees can and cannot be deducted on your taxes
If you spend more than you have in your account, you can face overdraft fees or even incur legal penalties if you bounce a check by writing it for more than is in your account. For that reason, it can be a good idea not to write checks relying on your ledger balance, in case pendi...
Frank Swoboda