For a period of about 14 years, from 1961 to 1975, following numerous accidents, motorcycles, and scooters were banned from the Garden State Parkway. If you were caught riding on one, you could have been fined $200 and been thrown in jail for up to 30 days. You can travel toll-free ...
Share (Sponsored post for our North American motorcycle owners) Motorcycles are fun to ride, easy to park and fuel efficient, but are more dangerous than cars, leaving the rider vulnerable in a crash. According to the American Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, motorcyclists are 30 times ...
“The road and line marking will determine the penalty which may range from $198 and two demerit points to $317 and three demerit points for offences such as fail to keep left of centre of road and drive on or over or to the right of dividing lines respectively,” the VicPol spokeswoman...
The thing I had forgotten about myself is that I am an immigrant.I left Honduras and arrived in the US at the age of 15.I started my new life with two suitcases,my brother and sister.Through the years, I have been a doorkeeper, cashier and pizza delivery driver among many other ...
It must have a manual drive. They’re going to disagree for many. You should be really bothered with automation. Car is more enjoyable with more driver involvement. Nothing is better than to drop the embrace and leave smoke on your lane. ...
Tesla’s electric cars get second price bump in a month In the modern era, three-wheelers have made a good showing as alternatives to motorcycles. If your heart wants to head out for Sturgis but your head says it’s pretty sure you don’t have the balance and endurance you had at age...
I love that so many of you have alternatives to the 2nd car. I wish I had thought to include scooters in the article, but in our area we just don't see them. Motorcycles-yes, but not scooters. Part of the reason I was so impressed we could do it, was because we have tried in...
There will be no charge to attend the pool. While the hours for the pool are not 100% set, the hours will be updated on a daily basis on theirFacebook page. What is your favorite thing to do or place to go in the summer? Share it with us below. ...
Add to that those that have to be pulled and those with storage for toys like motorcycles, bikes, and watercraft. There are RVs with bunk beds for the kids and RVs with room for just two. You can spend as much or as little money as you have available. Maybe you want to start with...
The mode choice and the travel times in a city with two kinds of vehicle restrictions were analyzed in [4]. In the Restricted Traffic Zone (RTZ) taxis, public transport, motorcycles, and vehicles with a permission pass are allowed; in the Odd-Even Zone (OEZ) vehicles depending on their ...