Does anxiety cause short-term memory loss? Can anxiety cause short-term memory loss? What causes schizophrenia in the brain? Is schizophrenia a neurological disorder? Can necrosis of the temporal lobe cause panic attacks? Does hypnotherapy work for panic attacks?
During a trauma, your body responds to a threat by going into “flight or fight” mode. It releasesstresshormones, like adrenaline and norepinephrine, to give you a burst of energy. Yourheartbeats faster. Yourbrainalso puts some of its normal tasks, such as filing short-term memories, on p...
Genitourinary Injuries Can Cause Long-Term TraumaFROM THE BOB WOODRUFF FOUNDATION: INTIMACY AFTER INJURY WASHINGTON -- Despite improved...Chitnis, Deepak
Justin Laube, MD, is a board-certified integrative and internal medicine physician, a teacher, and a consultant with extensive expertise in integrative health, medical education, and trauma healing. He graduated with a bachelor's in biology from the University of Wisconsin and a medical degree fro...
Healing from trauma or grief.People who have been through atraumatic experienceor lost a loved one may need to put all their energy towards healing. Abstinence gives them time to focus on their emotional needs so that they can recover.
Although stress usually gets a bad rap, it can produce positive results for the short term. Once our brains recognize that we face a threatening circumstance, the hypothalamus goes to work, producing our fight-or-flight response. The hypothalamus sits in the mid-region of the brain base and,...
We aimed to evaluate whether white and gray matter microstructure changes observed with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) can be used to reflect the progression of chronic brain trauma. The MRI-DTI parameters, neuropat
And on some days, the trauma is beautiful. Some days I wallow in the pain because the ecstasy that lined the pain brought such vivid joy and laughter that sitting in it, for even a moment, feels like what I imagine dancing at the foot of a rainbow in the middle of a storm does. ...
Doctors have long used traditional cryotherapy -- the use of ice bags or gel packs -- to reduce pain and swelling following surgery, injury, or trauma. Medical applications include: Ice bag or gel pack following orthopedic surgery, including total knee replacement or hip replacement, to reduce ...
Can psychological trauma cause memory loss? Research with people who have brain damage and are unable to store new memories points to the importance of which brain part in the process of consolidation? a. Hippocampus b. Thalamus c. Pons d. Reticular formation Alzheimer's disease affects cognitive...