I have no idea what the immigrant minister said, and none of the English speakers could check him. So I hope he preached his own sermon, making an appeal to his people and telling them, “We have jobs now and homes, yes, and praise be to God for His deliverance and blessing, but l...
(三十四)Procrastination is the thief of time.拖延为时间之窃贼 (三十五)One of these days is none of these days.拖延时日,终难实现.或:改天改天,不知哪天 (三十六)Tomorrow never comes.明天无尽头,明日何其多 (三十七)What may be done at any time will be done at no time.常将今日推明日,推到后...
77Buch’s sermon ends in hope. God has promised to wipe away all tears (Rev 21:4),and the Christians are the heirs of the same assurance which Israel received when theywere described as dead bones by the prophet Ezekiel,“O my people, I will open yourgraves, and cause you to come ...
a complete set of tableware my late partner and I bought so we could appear to be grownups rather than graduate students when guests came to dinner. These days I seldom need to appear grown up at dinnertime, so I don’t open that cabinet except when ...
will decide whether we live or die in Obama’s pending health care plan. One of these political appointees deciding our fate would be Obama’s top medical adviser, the Zionist Jew, Dr Ezekiel Emanuel. Not one to begrudge himself of participation in nepotism, Emanuel just happens to be the...
And I’m saying I will revive the dry bones,I will revive my people, them that arehurting, them that have beenabused, them that have beenfalsely accused. I will heal themsays the Lord, I will heal them and they will know me. ...
A cat thinks: Hey, these people I live with feed me, love me, provide me with a nice warm, dry house, pet me, and take good care of me... I must be a God! If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. Often when you find something worth...
these two may first then do any like my now over such our man me even most made after also did many fff before must well back through years much where your way down should because long each just state those people too mr how little good world make very year still see own work men ...
/ 5ArId; `ArId/ adj 1 (of land or climate) having little or no rainfall; dry (指土壤或气候)乾旱的, 乾燥的: the arid deserts of Africa 非洲的乾旱沙漠 *| Nothing grows in these arid conditions. 在这些乾旱环境中 , 寸草不生 . 2 dull; uninteresting 枯燥的; 无趣味的: have long, arid...