Feature Request: After I cached a http request with timestamp parameter, such as http://api.example.com/path?user=xxx×tamp=xxx, the next time I send a request within 2 hours, for the reason of timestamp changed, okhttp will send a second requst to server. But I don't want to...
Overwrite Mode:表示如果FIFO已经满了,新来的数据可以覆盖掉最老的数据,如果采用OverWrite方式,需要确保...
I thought maybe the Setup couldn't overwrite the Adobe DNG Converter.exe without administrator priveleges, so I renamed it to Adobe DNG Converter.7.3.exe . Upon re-running the 11.1 install, it now doesn't start anything, and the above DNG search still finds only th...
can_general.can_parameter.no_auto_retrans = DISABLE;//自动重发功能,需要注意DISABLE为使能自动重发 can_general.can_parameter.rec_fifo_overwrite = DISABLE;//接收溢出模式 can_general.can_parameter.trans_fifo_order = DISABLE;//发送邮箱顺序配置 can_general.can_parameter.working_mode = CAN_LOOPBACK_MO...
can_parameter.rec_fifo_overwrite = DISABLE; can_parameter.trans_fifo_order = DISABLE; can_parameter.working_mode = CAN_LOOPBACK_MODE; /* configure baudrate to 500kbps */ can_parameter.resync_jump_width = CAN_BT_SJW_1TQ; can_parameter.time_segment_1 = CAN_BT_BS1_7TQ; ...
xQueueOverwriteFromISR(messageQueue[i], (void*)&motorDataTmp, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken); portYIELD_FROM_ISR(xHigherPriorityTaskWoken); } } } } 完整的工程可以看我开源的飞机云台程序~
memcpy(&g_can_rx_frame, p_args->p_frame, sizeof(can_frame_t)); break; } case CAN_EVENT_MAILBOX_MESSAGE_LOST: //overwrite/overrun error event case CAN_EVENT_BUS_RECOVERY: //Bus recovery error event case CAN_EVENT_ERR_BUS_OFF: //error Bus Off event ...
When I crop and mask using terra::crop(spat_raster, shp, snap = "out", mask = T), I have to add overwrite = T and the output files are all converted to 1. The terra version I am using is 1.7.71 👍 2 Author Rapsodia86 commented Apr 26, 2024 That raster with value of 1...
The administrative burden of enabling the Audit: Shut down system immediately if unable to log security audits setting can be very high, especially if you also turn on the Do not overwrite events (clear log manually) option for the security log. This setting provides for individua...
The administrative burden of enabling the Audit: Shut down system immediately if unable to log security audits setting can be very high, especially if you also turn on the Do not overwrite events (clear log manually) option for th...