CCS中程序运行出现异常can‘t find a source file TI工程师您好,我使用的开发板是C6678,在load 程序后,进入main函数,执行一段后出现cant find a source file at “/home/gtbldadm/pdk_build_c6678_1_1_2_6/gtcsl_platform/Shannon/ti/csl/src/intc/_csl_intcIsrDispatch.asm”,我尝试单步运行,定位...
程序在烧写完后,出现:Can't find a source file at "/tmp/TI_MKLIBr78rCW/SRC/boot.c" Locate the file or edit the source lookup path to include its location ...
Several users encountering the “Can’t read from the source file or disk” error have reported that they were able to avoid it by compressing the source file to a.zipformat before attempting to move it. You can either use the built-in compressor or a 3rd party utility of your choosing....
在CCS用simulator进行编译出现提示“Can't find a source file at "/tmp/TI_MKLIB4kQNZn/SRC/divd.c" Locate the file or edit the source lookup path to include i ...
hence you can either ignore the warning or use the option to browse to the source file in the path that exists in your local environment. Once the debugger is told where the file exists in your environment, it will open it and keep a reference to the location. It can also find other ...
Locate the file or edit the source lookup path to include its location 解决:来自ECLIPSE的WIKI: DETAIL: I'm using cygwin and when launching the debugger, it complains that it can't find the source file ...
"Can't find a source file at "/db/ztree/library/trees/gep/gep-e78x/src/ti/targets/msp430/rts430/boot_4.0.c" Locate the file or edit the source lookup path to include its location." Any ideas how to fix this issue? Many Thanks for the help, ...
1) Sometimes , after build , if there is no .elf file , please refresh the project : then when you debug , you will see the file and the debug configuration . please try . 2) if it still have not the debug configuration you need, double click "SEGGER J-Li...
Debug fail “Can’t” find a source file at “/tmp/Ti_MKLIBaXqLbT/SRC/copy_zero_init.c”TI 论坛上前辈的提问…解决方案 MSP430遇到一个问题 程序编译链接都没问题但是,下载Debug不能运行,原因是代码量过大,初始化变量时耗时太长导致程序未进入MAIN函数看门狗就导致单片机复位。解决办法如下 this can ...
steps I added the test file to all 10 projects, added Ethans helpful command, an alias for ;clean;test and updated the library versions. I run it in this way: time sbt "repeat 1000 testAndClean", and it takes about 5-10 minutes sometimes...