中断服务函数不是在代码里面直接调用的,是产生中断时系统自动调用的,不能直接调用ISR 把调用中断服务函数的地方给注释掉就行了 void fudu(void){f=kbscan();//into();...虽然INT0中断被打开,但是你的定时器启动了吗?
{/*Callreceivefunction*/CAN_Receive_IT(hcan,CAN_FIFO1); }/*Seterrorcodeinhandle*/hcan->ErrorCode|=errorcode; tmp1=__HAL_CAN_GET_FLAG(hcan,CAN_FLAG_EWG); tmp2=__HAL_CAN_GET_IT_SOURCE(hcan,CAN_IT_EWG); tmp3=__HAL_CAN_GET_IT_SOURCE(hcan,CAN_IT_ERR);/*CheckErrorWarningFlag...
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corn starch maize sta correct ideology of t correction liquid era correlation correlation function corrientes corrientie corrosion remover des corrosion resistant a corrosive sublimate m corrugatedbar corrugated board cart corrugated board corr corrugated case corrugated glass flut corrugated mild steel corrug...
* Function Name : HAL_CAN_RxFifo0MsgPendingCallback * Description : 消息接收回调函数 * Input : hcan * Output : None * Return : None *** */voidHAL_CAN_RxFifo0MsgPendingCallback(CAN_HandleTypeDef*hcan){// 收到CAN数据会触发接收中断,进入该回调函数uint32_ti;uint8_tRxData[8];CAN_RxHeade...
/* the interrupt pin of the can-controller */ fragment@2 { target = <&gpio>; __overlay__ { can0_pins: can0_pins { brcm,pins = <25>; brcm,function = <0>; /* input */ }; }; }; /* the clock/oscillator of the can-controller */ ...
For testing purposes, modify your CAN controller configuration to POLLING mode instead of INTERRUPT mode. Does this make the CAN communication work? If it does, your port configuration is correct. Otherwise, you should prove your port configuration to be correct for sure. Does the function Can_...
/* Return function status */returnHAL_OK;}else{/* Update error code */hcan->ErrorCode |= HAL_CAN_ERROR_PARAM; returnHAL_ERROR;}}else{/* Update error code */hcan->ErrorCode |= HAL_CAN_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; re...
While this is not an entirely typical implementation, it does show how partitioning works. The partitioning method should always be driven by the data needs of the application.Below are the definitions of the partition function, the partition scheme, and the table for the Orders table. For the...
用户可编程的代码放在文件夹“User Module”下,其中main函数位于以工程名命名的.C文件中,event.h和event.c为中断回调函数 (call back function) , 是用户编写中断服务函数的地方,用户只需要在相应的中断回调函数中添加自己的中断处理代码即可完成中断处理,无需关心中断标志的清楚,因为处理器专家系统生成的中断ISR中...