Weight gain or weight loss was not specifically reported with Cimzia in clinical studies. However, weight changes can be signs of some of the more serious side effects associated with Cimzia. For example, sudden weight gain can be caused by fluid retention, which is a symptom of heart failure...
Diets for quick weight reduction can lead to hair lossTara ParkerPope
worriedabouttheweightthatcomesalongwiththedeliciousfoods. Withproperplanning,though,itispossibletocontrolyourweight.Theideaistoenjoythe holidaysbutnottoeattoomuch.Youdon?thavetoturnawayfromthefoodsthatyouenjoy.The followingsuggestionsmaybeofsomehelptoyou. Donotmissmeals.Beforeyouleavehomeforafeast,haveasmall,...
Sudden weight gain -- 2-3 pounds in a day or more than 5 pounds a week -- could mean it’s getting worse. You also might have swollen feet and ankles, a faster pulse, heavy breathing, high blood pressure, memory loss, and confusion. You might want to track these symptoms so you ...
题目Lead poisoning (铅中毒)occurs when lead is present in high levels in the blood of a person.It is one of the most common medical problems found in children.And it's important to recognize the presence of lead in children's bodies because lead is very harmful.Children...
Symptoms of overmedication include, but are not limited to: rapid or irregular heartbeat, nervousness, irritability or mood swings, muscle weakness or tremors, diarrhea, menstrual irregularities, hair loss, weight loss, insomnia, chest pain, and excessive sweating. Do not start, change, increase,...
water is able to seep into the hair roots. Even if the body starts to retain water to preserve the water supply, exposure to sun, chemicals and wind rob vital water from the hair. When the hair dries from the inside out, hair loss is sudden and drastic. This can lead to balding ...
AKI is a sudden episode of kidney failure or damage. It has a rapid onset over the course of a few hours or days and results in the build-up of waste products in the blood. It also makes it difficult for the kidneys to regulate the level of fluid in the body.What are the signs ...
In rare cases, Entyvio is known to cause liver problems, which could be heightened by alcohol consumption. Drinking alcohol may also affect your symptoms of Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis. Both of these conditions are types of inflammatory bowel disease. While research on this topic is ...
It's when your heart doesn't pump hard enough. Sudden weight gain -- 2-3 pounds in a day or more than 5 pounds a week -- could mean it's getting worse. You also might have swollen feet and ankles, a faster pulse, heavy breathing, high blood pressure, memory loss, and confusion....