CAN-SPAM 法案是一項監管來自商業實體的電子郵件和其他訊息的法律。 學習中心 資料隱私權 加密與隱私 Cookie 合規性 字彙 theNET 學習目標 閱讀本文後,您將能夠: 說明哪些電子郵件受該法案約束 瞭解合規的最佳做法 比較《CAN-SPAM 法案》與《電子隱私指令》 ...
T. (2005). The CAN-SPAM Act: New rules for sending commercial e-mail messages and implications for the sales force. Industrial Marketing Management, 34(4), 399-405. :Clarke III, Irvine Flaherty, Theresa, Zugelder, Michael; CAN-SPAM Act: New rules for sending commercial e-mail messages ...
What is the CAN-SPAM Act? The CAN-SPAM Act is a United States law that dictates a range of requirements foremailsand other messages from commercial entities, like businesses, marketers, and nonprofit organizations. Emails subject to the law must follow rules regarding subject lines, disclosures,...
The CAN-SPAM Act, incorporated in 2003, was designed to protect those involved in email marketing. This set of rules prevents customers and businesses from receiving unwanted, unsolicited, and deceptive messages from unreliable senders. By issuing the CAN-SPAM Act, the Federal Communications Commissio...
CAN-SPAM Act Rules FTC Issues New CAN-SPAM Act RulesFTC Issues New CAN-SPAM Act RulesSharon R. Klein
1. 反垃圾邮件法 一年前,美国的反垃圾邮件法(CAN-SPAM Act)制订时,滥发的色情邮件与其他形式的垃圾邮件,约占所有电子邮件的55%…|基于61个网页 2. 美国反垃圾邮件法 ...eNews消息】周三微软公司一位代表说,微软将根据美国反垃圾邮件法(Can-Spam Act)与其他公司一起向垃圾邮件制造者 … ...
CAN-SPAM-Act-of-2003 CAN-SPAMActof2003 ShengfengDing 法案目的 •AnacttoregulateinterstatecommercebyimposinglimitationsandpenaltiesonthetransmissionofunsolicitedcommercialelectronicmailviatheInternet.为规范州际贸易,限制和惩罚利用互联网滥发商业电子垃圾邮件(unsolicitedcommercialelectronicmail,UCE)行为,制定本法案...
The law outlines rules for sending commercial emails and commercial messages to U.S. citizens as well as penalties for noncompliance. In addition to establishing regulations, the CAN-SPAM Act formally grants message recipients the right to refuse communication from businesses. Learn four things all ...
CAN-SPAM Act Tutorial On this page, you will find the basic requirements that you should meet to ensure your advertisement email messages are not considered spam. Note also that those are the basics you should stick to in order to avoid your emails being treated as spam by the SiteGround’...
The Federal CAN-SPAM Act, put into law in 2003, dictates rules in sending commercial email. We vigorously follow those rules. They include:If you are sending commercial email, non-personal, business-focused email, you must have specific permission to email your recipients. You can do this by...