A toothache can indicate tooth decay, abscess, gum disease, or other dental health problems. If you do not address the toothache soon, it can get worse and cause you great discomfort. Your dentist can figure out the cause and recommend the proper treatment. You Have a Loose Dental Filling...
A dental team can’t work magic overnight and if you’ve neglected professional care for years like I did, chances are your gums are suffering. They start to recede, teeth develop sensitivity and when the situation gets bad enough, real problems develop that won’t be turned back. After a...
Can you get a bacterial infection in your mouth from oral? Oral health has a direct impact on the transmission of infection; a cut in your mouth, bleeding gums, lip sores or broken skin increases chances of infection. Although oral sex is considered a low risk activity, it is important to...
Wearing and tearing of your teeth and gums inflammation usually takes years. However, bruxism can cause significant changes to your oral health in just a matter of months. Nighttime bruxism is deemed a bigger challenge because it is uncontrollable. Moreover, it can also cause painful blisters ins...
歯が痛いです ha ga itai desu I have a toothache 歯茎が出血をしています haguki ga shukketsu o shite imasu My gums are bleeding Best Way to Protect You From Covid Although there’s no drug that we can confidently recommend, there is a new Japanese drug called Xocova (ゾコーバ) that...