“What’s the matter? What’s the matter? I heard what you called me! Mutton dressed as leopard, indeed! You certainly know how to hurt someone.” “Oh, sorry, Auntie. It was just a joke!” “A hurtful joke at my expense! Really, you can be a real beast at times, Timothy.” ...
“Latin? I don’t do Latin. Nobody learns Latin these days. Mind you,” I went on as a memory came to me, “I saw that someone had carved into an old school-desk I had once the words, Latin killed the Romans; and now it’s killing me!” “You’re impossible!” declared Aunt...
When you’re looking into someone else’s eyes, try to imagine keeping your energy in your own body. One of the reasons why eye contact can feel so vulnerable is because it can feel like we’re being sucked into or getting lost in someone else’s eyes. Trying to envision staying in y...
ill need some informa ill need someone besi ill never cry i wish ill never go down ill never let you dow ill never walk ill ne ill pass ill put a hundred in ill remember you ill say good-bye ill see you there ill sing some songs t ill sleep next door ill stand by you what ill...
Can and could are used with verbs such as see, hear, and smell to say that someone is or was aware of something through one of their senses. I can smell gas. I can't see her. I could see a few stars in the sky. 9. possibility: the present and the future Could and can are ...
(equip)withcamerasandspeakers,can 2 (control)fromadistance,whichallowspeoplewith disabilitiestowork.Theemployeescontroltherobotsfromhome, 3 (use)theInternet.For example,ifsomeonecan?tmoveorspeak,theycanuse 4 (advance)softwaretotypeawide rangeofmessageswiththeireyes.Oncetherobotsreceivethosemessages,theycom...
i could fall with so i could go there i could go to japan a i could have been i could hear i could hear voices i could kill u i could listen to tha i could not come i could stay last igu i could trust someone i could try to count i couldve sworn i couldn t help i couldnt...
Yon-Kyo has come to see him out with the dog in her arms. The gate opens. Ki-Woo begins to step out when he stops. KI-WOO Actually... Mrs. Park. Yes? YON-KYO KI-WOO Someone just happened to come to my mind. Her name is-- 21. Through Yon-Kyo’s POV, we see ...
And it is also refreshing to talk with someone knowledgeable. In addition, reading is like a journey where we can be lost in a brand new world. We can travel far to experience different views through the pages of books. Also, reading ...
I knew that if you got out of bed every morning and set your watch by what other people expect or demand, it'll drive you crazy. 我意识到,每天早上起床,伴随着其他人的期望或要求开始每一天,你会发疯。 So what was true then is true now. Don't waste your time living someone else's lif...