I get an Lenovo C2E camera which is using Ingenic T21. I have disassembled the camera and soldered the TTL pins and tried to get root using this method:https://github.com/EliasKotlyar/Xiaomi-Dafang-Hacks/blob/master/hacks/getroot.mdBut I can't boot into uboot. It appears it has set...
Hello, firtz-smh, THANKS for your excellent work! I have four cameras, two of them can boot with your hack (using the same configuration) working perfectly, and one of them uses https://github.com/hermitcrabslab/yi-hack . But the last ca...
Can someone explain this code to me? (Visual C#) Can Struct stored in heap?! can VB & C# to be used in same project? Can we add derived class object to base class object? Can we change the return type of a method during overriding in c# Can we const with String.Format Can we cr...
When someone asks when LR will support a camera, I give them the best known information about Adobe's release policies with respect to new cameras. Would you rather that I didn't provide that information? Votes 1 Upvote Translate Translate Report Report...
a decades-old invention that bounces a laser off a surface and measures the reflected light to detect the target's vibrations—such as those caused by either key presses on a laptop's keyboard or someone's nearby voice. for both of his laser-based techniques, however, kamkar used his own...
Configure your router with a secure new router name and password. If you change the password, using WPA authentication, you've made it less likely for someone to hack your router. But why change the username? Simple - most usernames show the type of router or the network it's running on...
Hopefully, that sight wasn’t while being personally rescued yourself, but regardless of how you’ve come across this heroic bird, you or someone you know is curious about how it all works. I don’t know what you did during the weekend, but I sure hope you saw the one-of-a-kind ...
What Happens After Harassing Texts Are Reported to Police? HOA Gone Bad: Can Homeowner Associations Do That?! What Happens If You Miss Jury Duty? How to Report Harassing Text Messages to the Police
Being able to perform CPR could save someone’s life one day. Whilst most people take first aid training (which we’d still highly recommend doing) if you want to get the basics down of giving CPR, this video will explain everything you need to know. ...
Canary Tokens -You'll be familiar with web bugs, the transparent images which track when someone opens an email. They work by embedding a unique URL in a page's image tag, and monitoring incoming GET requests. Canarytokens helps track activity and actions on your network. explainshell.com -...