In times of crisis, she can always be counted on to keep a level head, and never fails to come to Eren’s rescue when he proves incapable of doing so himself. Their mutual childhood friend, Armin, describes Mikasa as “a woman who’s always valued [Eren] over everything, even her ow...
Zetsuen ~Burning Beat~ [Extend Ash ~ Houraijin] [Hito] Hito~Hito~ [Ghost Lead] Sakura∞friendship (Kirin Shining Summer Remix) Cherry Blossom∞Friendship [Shisha no Yozakura] Everlasting [Youkai Ura Sandou] Star Light [Yumedono Daishibyou] I:solation [Youkaiji e Youkoso] Hiiro Gekka, Kyousa...