Search for and select the SaaS Landing Page layout. Select Use This Layout to add the layout to your page. Now we are ready to build our design. Recreate the Hero Section Using the Fullwidth Header Module First, add a fullwidth section below the existing ...;jsessionid=SR1LQI5TQOAOKQSNDLPS...1 of 67/30/2007 2:34 PMSoftware As A Service: Value To GoSaaS can deliver great long-term value. But comparing the financials is complicated, requiring a new approach to sorting through the optionsby Barry...
Issue 22Software as a service is one alternative to traditional software-purchasing models that's getting lots of hype.What's important to evaluate in detail, however, are the precise economics and ROI of the SaaS model, and whatthose details say about the viability of the process for y...