especially during this special period, we can do rope- skipping and do gymnastics at home. What's more, we should keep a regular schedule. We cannot stay up late, because adequate sleeping time and good-quality sleep are very important f...
Department of Health & Human Services Office on Women's Health, cycles are most regular in your 20s and 30s. In your 40s – when your body starts the transition to menopause – periods may become irregular. If you have a short cycle, you could ovulate right after you...
and slippery days. If you don’t have a 28-day cycle, or any regular cycle, that’s okay – just track the pattern according to your cycle. If your cycle is irregular, or you’re not ovulating, seeing mucus production come on-line indicates that you’re moving toward a more natural...
Hi ive been havin 6 days of menstrual like cramps, but no bleeding, range from light sensations to light throbbing and also close to cervix.Im due for my period in 2 days time as im on a 25 day cycle. Im always regular. Could this mean im pregnant as ive never had these symptoms ...
So many processes in a woman’s body rely on a delicate balance of hormones, and ovulation is no different. If your periods are irregular, you’re not becoming pregnant while you’re regularly trying, or you’re not getting a period, you may not be ovulating. ...
Cosmo answers your question about whether you can get pregnant while having unprotected sex during your period.
Missedor late periods happen for many reasons other than pregnancy. Common causes can range from hormonal imbalances to serious medical conditions. There are also two times in a woman's life when it's totally normal for her period to be irregular: when it first begins, and when menopause sta...
You may take a pregnancy test as soon as you miss a period or if your period is late. You would know the date of your missed period if your periods are regular. If your periods are irregular, or you do not have periods for some reason, you can do a pregnancy test at least three ...
using a steam inhaler or hot compress to relieve nasal congestion and coughing, and using over-the-counter drugs such as fever-reducing medicines, painkillers, and decongestants. And of course, in the event that a cold worsens or lasts for an extended period of time, you should seek timely...
If you have a regular menstrual cycle and are focusing on hormone and reproductive health, we recommend you get a blood test during the second half of your cycle. If you're irregular or are on contraceptives, you can test at any point. ...