Reports on findings by Kevin Hughes on the role of radiation therapy after breast-conservation surgery with and without tamoxifen. Result that local recurrences are more than four times as common in the non-radiated group; Statement by Hughes on mastectomy rates; Risk of lumpectomy or salvage ...
Breast cancer (BC) is a leading cause of death among women with malignant diseases. The selection of adequate therapies for highly invasive and metastatic
Does skin cancer cause weight loss? Can radiation therapy cause skin cancer? Does an excimer laser cause skin cancer? Can cervical cancer cause leg pain? Why do immunosuppressants cause skin cancer? Does melanoma cause fatigue? Can skin cancer appear overnight?
There are multiple types of breast cancer depending on the cell type affected by the mutation; this also identifies the location of the cancer. Moreover, the type of breast cancer can also be classified by the presence of hormone receptors on the outside of breast cancer cells, which can es...
The complex landscape of rectal cancer therapy: a challenge for disease management The molecular heterogeneity between cancers arising from the colon and the rectum translates into divergent therapeutic approaches applied in the non-metastatic panorama of both diseases. Early diagnosis is strongly associated...
Before the surgery, you may receive radiation therapy to weaken your immune system so your body doesn’t attack the new cells. You may need to stay in the hospital for weeks after the surgery, so your doctor can ensure your body is adjusting to the procedure and producing healthy red blood...
Sumner didn’t need to have radiation after surgery and is now on endocrine therapy. She will take a pill once a day for the next five to ten years to prevent recurrence of the cancer. Advice for those at higher risk Patients who have a higher risk of developing breast cancer may be ...
Does pregnancy increase the risk of breast cancer? Can a breast reduction cause breast cancer? Can ovarian cancer cause breast pain? Can saline breast implants cause cancer? Can fat transfer to the breast cause cancer? Does hormone replacement therapy cause breast cancer?
According to a new study published in Science Translational Medicine, some types of chemotherapy can increase aggressivity in cancer, causing malignant cells to migrate and triggering more dangerous tumors. But don’t worry, the same research team found a drug that might mitigate some of the ef...
When the axillary nodes don't contain cancer, the chance of local recurrence in 5 years isabout 6 percent[152]. When the axillary nodes contain cancer, the chance of local recurrence in 5 years is about 23 percent following mastectomy without radiation therapy [152]. ...