ACES are different traumatic events that can happen to a teen in their early years or in the present. For example, a common ACE might be a teen being brought up during a divorce. Other examples of trauma that are also common are physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, as well as neglect...
When trauma happens, the way the mind remembers an event is altered. These memory disturbances can create vidid involuntary memories that enter consciousness causing the person to re-experience the event. These are known as flashbacks, and they happen in PTSD and Complex PTSD. Why do I only r...
That’s because it doesn’t. In my case, it was years before the real assault on my self esteem started, and the physical violence didn’t happen until after we were married. By the time my abuser started needling my self worth, I had a good relationship with him for long enough tha...
pepper spray, water cannons and rubber bullets of a dictatorship terrified of the people banding together is still inspiring, years later. The legacy of theçapullar,the woman in red,
You can also brainstorm and list everything that comes to mind, organizing your thoughts later. Whatever works for you! Once you’ve got a list of actions, you can get more specific regarding who is involved and WHEN it needs to happen. This becomes your action plan with an overview of...
“I knew my husband was gay because he made no attempt to hide it and openly went to share the bed with his partner.” However, if you’re living with a closeted husband or if he begins to discover this dimension to his sexuality later in life – perhaps, even years after you’ve ...
I don’t know what exactly will happen now. Though I’m not clinically underweight, I’ll still probably gain some weight, and that might suck. Hopefully, the people who matter to me won’t care about that. Hopefully, I won’t care about that too much. ...
Perfect marriages end in divorce: what’s going to happen when all these perfect Bot selected people begin working with other perfect Bot selected people and one of them farts in a meeting? Or selects “Reply All” with an unfortunate joke? Or votes for Trump/Bernie/Clinton and posts it ...
That’s medical PTSD. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is real and can happen to anyone. It should be talked about and acknowledged, regardless of your experience. And for a lot of chronically ill people, it centres on their condition/s. ...
The Robot Chicken writers show you why you don't want to prank Apache Chief; We delve deep into the Lego world; What would happen if we got rid of all the wolves?; The creators show the good times catching up with Captain Kirk. ...