When you have your period, the flow is noticeably heavier and can last up to a week.Pregnancy: For some, one of the first signs of pregnancy is light vaginal bleeding or spotting that's usually pink or dark brown. This typically happens 10 to 14 days after conception and is usually not...
"Although there's controversy around the safety of caffeine consumption during pregnancy, most research reassures that small to moderate amounts of daily caffeine are very unlikely to cause harm," says Shannon Smith, M.D., an ob-gyn at Brigham Faulkner Ob/Gyn Associates and member of the Bab...
Can pregnancy cause ovarian cancer? Does colorectal cancer cause gas? Does ovarian cancer cause rashes? Are there any symptoms of ovarian cancer? Can PCOS cause ovarian cancer? Can ovarian cancer cause depression? Can an abdominal ultrasound detect ovarian cancer?
Does ectopic pregnancy cause gas? Define placental abruption and its importance in stillbirth. Does the human body lose weight after death? Can diet cause a low platelet count? Does ectopic pregnancy cause bloating? Does osteoporosis cause kyphosis?
What foods can't you eat when pregnant? Here is a list of items you should avoid during pregnancy, from raw meats to soft cheeses.
Side effects with alli may often hinder its use and include loose stools, oily spotting, gas, bowel incontinence, and rarely liver injury (jaundice). Contact your doctor right away if you have symptoms of liver problems, such as yellow skin or eyes, itching, brown urine or stomach pain....
Some women fail to distinguish between backache, bloating, and contractions. Most symptoms of pregnancy typically clear up after delivery and are nothing to be worried about. For any worrisome symptoms, consult your gynecologist. 3. Gas Gas is rarely a major annoyance, but at times, it can be...
And that’s only the beginning. Age, pregnancy, and holding in your stool can also play roles. It can hardly be overstated when it comes to health: talk to your doctor if you have any concerns. Those experiencing constipation as a medication side effect may be able to adjust their routine...
A urinary bladder infection during pregnancy can also cause: a low birthweight (a term used to describe babies who are born weighing less than 2,500 grams / 5 pounds, 8 ounces); premature labor that may result in premature birth (the earlier it happens, the greater the health risks for ...
This includes gas, muscle contractions, and peristalsis—the wave-like motions of intestinal digestion. Women often refer to the sensation as phantom kicks. Can you be pregnant and have no hCG? An early pregnancy test might pick up very low amounts of hCG. However, it's possible that you ...