Perpetrators of domestic abuse are now frequently utilising technology to survey and regulate the conduct of their victims. Of all digital devices,mobile phonesare considered one of the most common to be misused by perpetrators, with reports of their use to track victims via spyware or a device...
Complaints included instances of telcos disclosing the addresses of victim-survivors to perpetrators or of frontline staff not believing victim-survivors. There were also cases of telcos insisting a consumer experiencing family violence contact the perpetrator of family violence. The report noted: "For ...
Complaints included instances of telcos disclosing the addresses of victim-survivors to perpetrators or of frontline staff not believing victim-survivors. There were also cases of telcos insisting a consumer experiencing family violence contact the perpetrator of family vio...
She also talked about the appalling rape conviction statistics in the wake of the prime minister's admission to Sky News in October that he could not look a victim in the eye and have confidence they'll see the perpetrator brought to justice. Nor could he stand by the targe...
Sometimes you need to just take the leap and have faith that the universe will take care of things. I am taking that leap. Change is a good thing and I am 100% ready to embrace it. Posted inUncategorizedand tagged#WhyIStayed,Domestic Abuse,domestic violence,toxic relationships,Why does she...
Domestic ViolenceChild WelfareProfessionalsPerpetratorsFathersChildren's exposure to intimate partner violence (IPV) is a form of child abuse and can have serious detrimental consequences on their health and well-being. Research has shown that a strong relationship with a caring adult, often the ...
the question: What is happening behind the scenes at TV stations as ch-ch-ch-changes continue to be a constant, not only out west in the Albany, New York area but also east of us in Springfield, Massachusetts, one station in particular has seen it's share of revisions to it's staff...
Transabdominal duplex ultrasound exam along with intravascular sonography planimetry actions associated with frequent Internalization of HMGB1 (High Flexibility Party Box One Boost in solution as well as salivary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin ranges with additional periodontal ...
Perpetrators of this ingenious deceit? Probably Geoffroi de Charny”s bevy of self-recruited clerics in his monarch-financed private chapel in the remote hamlet of Lirey, – maybe to supply a seemingly-genuine relic as a striking ornament for the newly created, short-lived “Order of the Sta...
It's legal to share information, and it's protected under our constitution. Cops may not be happy that we're using the technology, but it currently is legal in Minnesota. So there you have it, your smartphone might actually get you out of a ticket for a change. LOOK: What major law...